Hypnosis is successful in bringing about rapid change and quick healing. Hi! I'm Marilyn Spanier, the hypnotist at Integrative Change Hypnosis in NYC, New York. Hypnosis can help you live life to the fullest! Whether you want to stop a bad habit, change a behavior, improve your self image, improve your confidence or just feel better, hypnotherapy can help you achieve the results you're looking for. Integrative Change Hypnosis is conveniently located in New York City,(Upper East Side)
Hypnotherapy helps with: How to Quit Smoking, Break Nail-Biting Habit, Weight loss, How to Reduce Stress, How to Reduce Anxiety, How to lose Fears, How to get rid of Phobias, How to improve Self Confidence, How to Stop Bad Thoughts, How to Heal a Broken Heart, How to Erase Bad Memories, Motivation, How to Stop Hair Pulling, Test Anxiety, Grieving and Loss, Hypnosis for Sleep issues and so many other issues are healing with hypnosis. Past Life Regression Therapy also helps with current life issues and is available upon request. As you browse through these pages, you'll find infomation about my Hypnosis practice & services as well as how hypnosis can help you and your loved ones heal. If you have any questions please contact me, Marilyn Spanier (Hypnotist) and I'll be happy to answer them.
At Integrative Change Hypnosis, your well being is my primary focus. I strive to empower you to enjoy a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. I believe that you are the healer and the answers you seek are found within you. I use safe, effective hypnosis techniques, including: EFT tapping, NLP techniques, Energy Medicine, Past Life Regression Therapy Hypnosis. Guided Imagery Relaxation, Self Hypnosis and other techniques designed to bring these answers to the surface. I provide you with the right tools to help you resolve issues, find solutions, and to help you become the you you want to be. I believe in my clients and I know that my clients can make any changes they desire.
Integrative Change Hypnosis is conveniently located in New York City (NYC, New York (Upper East Side of Manhattan)
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